Inserts Layouts

Choose an insert layout or design your own

Secure your products in a GreenKraft clamshell with an insert.  We have a selection of stock, ready made designs or you can design your own. Our inserts come in a tan chipboard and a black recycled cardboard to achieve a sleek, professional look. Like our GreenKraft clamshells, these inserts are eco-friendly and 100% recyclable.

  • Samples: Order samples of standard sizes & shapes
  • Questions? Contact us:
    (805) 633-9177
  • Design your own:  Send us a sample of your product and we will help you design a custom layout tailored to fit the size and shape of your product.

Stock Blank Insert Layouts

Insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
Insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
SKU: IN-201 to IN-205
Clamshells: GK-001 to GK-007
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Black insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
Black insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
SKU: IN-206 and IN-207
Clamshells: GK-001, GK-002, and GK-003
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Stock Layout Designs

Insert layout with three sections
Insert layout with three sections
SKU: IN-101
Clamshells: GK-001 or GK-002
Opening Size: 0.9” x 2.2”
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Insert layout with two sections
Insert layout with two sections
SKU: IN-102
Clamshells: GK-001 or GK-002
Opening Size:  0.8″ x 3.3″
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Insert layout with two round sections in eco-friendly packaging
Insert layout with two round sections in eco-friendly packaging
SKU: IN-104
Clamshells: GK-001 or GK-002
Opening Size:  1.4″ diameter
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Insert layout with six round sections
Insert layout with six round sections
SKU: IN-105
Clamshells: GK-003 or GK-004
Opening Size:  1.4″ diameter
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Insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
Insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
SKU: IN-107
Clamshells: GK-007
Opening Size:  1.5″ x 3.4″
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Insert Examples

Examples of Insert Layouts and Designs

Insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
Insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
Clamshell Featured: GK-001
Opening Size:  0.8″ x 2.7″
Insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
Insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
Clamshell Featured: GK-001
Opening Size:  1″ x 2.3″
Insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
Insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
Clamshell Featured: GK-001
Opening Size:  1.3″ x 2.8″
Insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
Insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
Clamshell Featured: GK-001
Opening Size:  0.9″ x 3.4″
Insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
Insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
Clamshell Featured: GK-005
Opening Size:  2.1″ x 2.3″
Insert layout with one large rectangular cutout
Insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
Clamshell Featured: GK-003
Opening Size: 3.65″ x 3.7″
Insert layout for a small spray bottle
Insert layout for a small spray bottle
Clamshell Featured: GK-003
Opening Size: 1.6″ x 5″
Insert layout for a small spray bottle
Insert layout for a small spray bottle
Clamshell Featured: GK-003
Opening Size: 1.5″ x 4.3″
Insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
Insert layout with three small vials
SKU: IN-103
Clamshells: GK-001 or GK-002
Opening Size:  2.4″ x 3.3″
Insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
Insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
SKU: IN-106
Clamshells: GK-005
Opening Size: 3.67” x 4.69″- Box 4.61″ x 1.41″- Bottle
Insert layout for four small bottles
Insert layout for four small bottles
SKU: IN-108
Clamshells: GK-005
Opening Size: .08″- top opening 1.5″ x 1.3″ bottom opening
Insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
Insert layout in eco-friendly packaging
SKU: IN-109
Clamshells: GK-003 GK-004
Opening Size:1.7”- top circle, 1.5″- bottom circle,  3.56″ x .75″ -long opening 1, 2.7″ x .8″ opening 2, 2.7″x.8″ opening 3
IN-110 w Items
SKU: IN-110
Clamshells: GK-005
Opening Size:Bottle Opening: 4″x 1.83″, Circle Diameter: .96″
IN-111 w items
SKU: IN-111
Clamshells: GK-005
Opening Size:Large bottle opening: 4.80″ x 1.5″ Circle Diameter: .96″
IN-112 w items
SKU: IN-112
Clamshells: GK-001
Opening Size:
IN-113 with Items
SKU: IN-113
Clamshells: GK-001
Opening Size:
IN-115 with Items
SKU: IN-115
Clamshells: GK-007
Opening Size:
IN-116 with items
SKU: IN-116
Clamshells: GK-003 & GK-004
Opening Size:
IN-117 with Items
SKU: IN-117
Clamshells: GK-005 & GK-006
Opening Size:
IN-118 with Item
SKU: IN-118
Clamshells: GK-001 & GK-002
Opening Size: