The Problem with Styrofoam (EPS Polystyrene)

We all know that Styrofoam is bad, but do we really know why? What is it about that foam coffee cup, meat tray or take-out container that is so bad for the environment and our health? Below are some resources to help educate yourself and your local businesses.

Polystyrene is cheap — and we all understand that businesses need to watch the bottom line. So use your voice and tell your favorite grocery store or restaurant that you care for the health of your family and the environment — and that you are willing to pay an extra couple cents to eliminate Styrofoam from your home and business. It’s worth it!

Polystyrene Report from Earth Resource Foundation
Detailed information on the environmental and health concerns associated with the manufacturing process, use and disposal of polystyrene (Styrofoam).
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Wikipedia on Polystyrene
The history, properties, forms produced, disposal, environmental issues & health and fire hazards
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U.S. EPA Fact Sheet on Styrene
Natural fiber packaging is a great alternative to Styrofoam food service packaging and expanded polystyrene (EPS) protective packaging.
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